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Olga Olikova - Dream braids with kanekalon - EN

Dream Braids with Kanekalon - Easy Tutorials, braiding book by Olga Olikova. There are a lot of lifehacks and tricks waiting for you, how to create beautiful dutch braids and other hairstyles. You'll learn basics of braiding, Olga will show you the easiest braiding styles The book is unique thanks to video tutorials in QR codes attached. Simple step-by-step instructions for braided hairstyles.


Môžeme doručiť do:
Skladom (>25 ks)
Kategória: 100% kanekalon
Hmotnosť: 0.52 kg
Účel: Braiding
Author: Olga Olikova
Number of pages: 64
Dimensions: A4 (210 x 297 mm)

In this book, I present 20 tutorials (hairstyles and accesories). I prepared photos, text and even videos! The simplest tutorials that even a person who has never done anything like this can handle.
Every woman wants to be beautiful and have a haistyle that is easy to maintain. Braids beautify and rejuvenate. The addition of kanekalon increases the lifespan and length of haistyles and allows any color design.

Table of Contents

Welcome 3

Basics of braiding 9-10

French/Dutch braids 11-12

Braid headband 13-14

Kanekalon 15-16

Afro braids 17-20

Coloured strands 21-22

2D with rubber bands 23-24

3D with rubber bands 25-26

Bubbly 27-28

Rubber bands kids style 29-30

Bubbly 2 31-32

2D with kanekalon 33-34

3D with kanekalon 35-38

Boxer braids 39-42

Accessories & rubber bands 43-44

Make your own scrunchie 45-46

Rubber band with braids 47-48

Hairstyles with braid rubber bands 49-50

Rubber band with ponytail 51-52

DE braids 53-54 

Making DE braids 55-56

Making a headband 57-58

Making a hat 59-60

Conclusion 61-62

Quotes 63

Acknowledgements 64


The book was translated to 4 languages, apart from english in russian, slovak and czech.

Here are the links for other languages:








About the author:

Olga Olikova known as @oobraider, has become a phenomenon in the world of braiding. In 2018, she started braiding children on the streets for free, and today over 200,000 followers are already following her on Instagram.

"At the beginning, I came across the idea in one book: Do what you would do, even if you have to do it for free. And so I did."

Olga has found herself in the art of braiding.

She literally had her heart set on braiding and started poring over the information about the various techniques of braiding. In a year, she also started giving courses at home, and since then, thousands of online students from all over the world have learned this craft.


Olga lives with her husband and 3 children in Bratislava, Slovakia, EU.


August 2023 Update:

Olga won hairdressers Oscar - OneShot Hair Award 2023 in her beloved category of braiding.

More info here

Now you can find the best techniques in Olga‘s first book with simple step-by-step instructions for braided hairstyles - Dream Braids with Kanekalon.

ISBN: 978-80-973755-2-2
Author: Olga Olikova
Pages: 66
Cover: Hardcover
Weight: 496g
Size: A4 format (210x297mm)


 We ship the book into these countries:

Albania, Andorra, Australia, Belgium, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Montenegro, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Georgia, Netherlands, Croatia, Ireland, Iceland, Israel, Canada, Costa Rica, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Germany, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Austria, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, United Arab Emirates, United States of America, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Italy, Turkey, Ukraine, Great Britain.

Buďte prvý, kto napíše príspevok k tejto položke.

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Nevypĺňajte toto pole:

Značka VYSNÍVANÉ COPÍKY je značka, ktorá sa špecializuje na všetky pomôcky, ktoré je potrebné k zapleteniu rôznych účesov. Hlavou VYSNÍVANÝCH COPÍKOV je Olga Olikova, na Instagrame známa ako @oobraider, ktorá svojimi mnohoročnými skúsenosťami prináša značke značnú esenciu.

Obyčajná mamička na materskej dovolenke Olga Olikova sa za dva roky stala vo svete zapletania fenoménom. V roku 2018 začala v uliciach stredného Slovenska zapletať deťom vrkoče a dnes ju na Instagrame sleduje už 140-tisíc sledovatelov. "Na začiatku som sa v jednej knihe stretla s myšlienkou: Rob to, čo by si robil, aj keby si to mal robiť zadarmo. A tak som aj urobila."

Oľga mala doslova srdce na zapletanie a začala sa zaoberať informáciami o rôznych technikách zapletania. O rok začala dávať kurzy aj doma a odvtedy sa tomuto remeslu vyučila viac ako stovka študentov z Čiech a Slovenska a stovky online študentov z celého sveta. Súčasťou VYSNÍVANÝCH COPÍKOV je aj zapletací salón, ktorý sa nachádza v Modre a na znalosti a profesionalitu Olgy si bezpochyby prídu zákazníci z Prahy a Košíc.